Monday, 12 November 2007
ဗိုလ္ ခ်ဳပ္သားသမီး မ်ား ရဲ ့ ကိုယ္ေရးကိုယ္တာ အခ်က္ အလက္မ်ား -- Let them know it is time to stop plundering our motherland!
We ask our brothers and sisters to expose more information about these thieves. Let them know that we are watching them and they have no place to hide.
Thwin Htoo Aung
(The Son of Communication Minister)
B.A (History)Q
Nice Fare Traval Co.Ltd
Res: No 68/ 1B-15A
U Mg Mg Chan Street
Hlaing Tsp...Yangon
Aung Thet Mann
(The Son of Thura Shwemann)
B.A (Philosophy)
Myanmar Tasaki Co..Ltd
Res: Bilding 8, Room 18,
Shwe Gon Yeik Mon Housing,
Bahan Tsp...Yangon.
Htun Zaw Win
(Son in law of Minister Soe Naing) (DSA)
Managing Director
Royal Ayar Co.. Ltd
Res: No. G2,
Mon Myat Myint Thr Housing
Khin Moe Nyunt
(Daugher in law of Aung Thaung)
B.SC (Botany)
Aung Yee Phyo Co.,Ltd.
Res: No.W-68, Thirimon Housing,
Hlaing TSP., Ygn.
(O):546921, (Fax):544462, (R):680112, 680113
Thant Zin (Staff of General Mg Aye)
B.Sc (Physic), DIL,DIR
General Manager
IGE Co.,Ltd.
Res:No.15/B2, Mahamyaing Housing,
Ward-41, N/Dagon Tsp, Yangon.
(O):558369, 558672, (Fax):558233
(M):09-80-30671, 09-51-58199
I saw an information in ur website that Mr Thant Zin General Manager of I.G.E co belons to Gen Mg Aye is wrong.
There are two companies Myanmar I.G.E & singapore I.G.E.
These are belong to Gen Aung Thaung'e son Nay Aung.
Not belong to Gen Mg Aye. I.G.E Managing Director is Mg Win kyaing who is bestman of Nay Aung.
They do business in SG by I.G.E singapore.Thant zin is just GM.Their main FE income is from I.G.E SG. Rose Hill hospital is small & for show.They use bank A/C by Win Kyaing or Nay Aung names in SG.
Aung Yee Phyo & I.G.E are the same.
Wai Lin (The son of ThuraAyeMyint)
B.Sc (Physics)
Asst:General Manager
Myanma Shipyard
Res:No.(11), Building (D)
officers' Residences, Kamayut Tsp, Yangon.
(O):537615,(M) 0951 35910
Sun Wynn (Staff of Sit Thawe Aung)
B.E (Mining)
Suntac Technologies
No.929, Thumana Lane (2), 16th Wd,
Thingangyun Tsp, Yangon.
(R)564845, (M) 09 51 06768
Than Naing Myint (Ex:MI)
Petronas Carigali Myanmar Limited
1091, Sarga St, 4th Qtr,
South Okkalapa Tsp, Yangon.
(O) 526411, 515011 (M) 09 51 17400
Win Myo Than
(Staff of Aung That Mann)
Ayer Shwe Wahy Co.,Ltd.
Res:Bldg (1), Room 204, Yan Aye Lane
Yankin Tsp, Yangon.
(O) 501565, 501585, (M) 09 51 95885
- alaungpaya1 said...
Thein Win Zaw and wife Ma Mwe, bigest diesel trader about 10 millions in Myanmar, main partner of Gen.Mg Oo.
12 November 2007 at 11:09
- Moethee Zun said...
Thanks for your information!
moethee -
12 November 2007 at 15:04
- thurathati said...
Wrong Information about Khune Wint Phyu;
I know her very well. She was my class mate. She is not the staff of the Foreign minister and never work at the Foreigm ministry and she is not the manager of that Company mentioned. It is the wrong information. -
12 November 2007 at 22:47
- Unknown said...
The person you put as Sun Wynn doesn't exist. There is no Sunn Wynn in Suntec. I know Suntec directors well and no one there is name Sun Wynn. Most of your informations are wrong. You should check if before putting it on. Just of the reliability issue -
14 November 2007 at 01:05
- သံတုတ္ said...
Ko Moe Thee,
The information on Khine Wint Phyu is wrong. She has never been a staff of Foreign Mininster and Manager of Thiri Thandar Company. And I can assure you that she is not a child (or in-law) and relative of any general. I know her family very well. You are requested to remove her name from this post. -
25 November 2007 at 11:59
- သံတုတ္ said...
Ko Moe Thee,
Thwin Htoo Aung is not son of Commerce Minister. He is ex-Major (MI - border administration committee) and dismissed during affair of Khin Nyunt) and son of former Transport Minister, Maj. Gen. Hla Myint Swe. It is confirmed. -
25 November 2007 at 12:23
Thein Win Zaw and wife Ma Mwe, bigest diesel trader about 10 millions in Myanmar, main partner of Gen.Mg Oo.