Monday, 19 May 2008

ပ်က္စီး သြားေသာ ၿမစ္ဧရာ၀တီ……. ဆက္ရန္ရွိေသးသည္။

မ်ွေ၀ျခင္း (ms)

၁.၇ မီလီယံ လယ္ေၿမဧက
စိုက္ပ်ိဳးေမြးျမဴေရးျခံ ၁.၃ သိန္း
၃၀၀၀ စာသင္ေက်ာင္း
ေဒၚလာ ၂၄၃ သန္းေက်ာ္မ်ိဳးေစ႔
လူဦးေရ ၁ သိန္း နီးပါးေသေၾကခဲ႔ရေသာ
ပ်က္စီး သြားေသာ ၿမစ္ဧရာ၀တီ……. ဆက္ရန္ရွိေသးသည္။

Burma holds just $1.7 billion in foreign reserves, which is among the lowest in the world. (Cuba, by comparison, has more than $4 billion in reserves with one-fourth Myanmar's population.) Inflation is running at 25% or more, and rural poverty is endemic. The government's crackdown on pro-democracy monks in September resulted in a drop in tourists, undermining one of the few sectors that reliably brings in foreign currency.

A Regime's Hidden Cost: James Hookway contributed to this article.)

Rest of your post

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