Saturday, 1 January 2011

ဒီေကဘီေအ ထံ ထြက္ေျပးေရာက္ရွိလာတဲ့ နအဖ တပ္သား ဘာဘူ


ေမာင္ရင္ငေတ said...

ႏြားအဖဲြ ့ကေကာင္ေတြကို လူေတြကဖမ္းထားေတာ ့ ေအးေဆးပါပဲ ႏြားေတြကလူေတြကို ျပန္ဖမ္းမိမွသာ ဒုကၡ ေရာက္ကုန္တာ

Anonymous said...

Barbu looks like he feels a lot better to have shed the junta's uniform.

Anonymous said...

We need translation (subtitles) for that . Cos the whole world is watching YOUTUBE. So that they know what is happening between DKBA & Junta.

Anonymous said...

Union Solidarity and Development Party from Burma appears to have active members in foreign countries including the United States. They collect information and relay back to Burmese junta. They travel on a regular basis to Burma and meet with junta officials. They are also believed to be behind many pro-junta responses on several websites and blogs of the Burmese democratic community.

Soe Min said...

ဖိႏိွပ္သူကို ဆန္႔က်င္ေတာ္လွန္တာ ေတာ္လွန္ေရးပဲ .ျပည္သူကို မတရားဖိႏိွပ္အုပ္ခ်ဴပ္ ေနတာကမွ အၾကမ္းဖက္သမားျဖစ္တယ္.

Anonymous said...

နအဖ စစ္တပ္ကို ရဲေဘာ္ေတြ လူစိတ္ဝင္ၿပီး ထြက္ေျပးလာတာကို ေစာင့္ေရွာက္ၿပီး အလုပ္ေပးထားတာ အခ်င္မွာ ရြာလုိက္တည္ေပးထားရတယ္။ နယ္ေျမခံ တုိင္းရင္းသားေတြကို ရွစ္ၾကီးခုိးေတာ့မတတ္ပဲ ၾကံဳရင္လာၾကည့္ၾကပါလား။