လုုပ္အားခ တနာရီ ၇၅ က်ပ္ဟာ
လူတေယာက္ရဲ ့လုုပ္အားခမဟုုတ္ပါ။
ေခြးတေကာင္ရဲ ့အစာဖိုုးထက္နည္းေနပါတယ္။ တိုုင္ရီ မွာ ျဖစ္ေနတဲ့ လႈပ္ရွားမႈဟာ အလုုပ္သမားတိုုက္ပြဲမဟုုတ္ပါ။
လူ႔ဂုုဏ္သိကၡာ တိုုက္ပြဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
စစ္အစိုးရ က အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္မႈ ရပ္ဆိုင္းေရး
For 50 years the wroung economic system was set up and generated by Military Gangsters since 1962.
Nay Win: The teacher of Military Gangster
Khin Nyunt: The right arm of Gangster
Than Shwe: The new generation of Gangster
Thein Sein: The new generation of Gangster
The richest country in Asia(in 1960) became the the poorest in the world.
Now the country is being impacted/burned with great acceleration and momentum.
This is very good lesson for those who set up the system of Military Gang.
where is our national hero?
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