Tuesday, 6 March 2012
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Hello Everyone,
I would like to share with you a digital version of the Burmese Newspaper from Mandalay Gazette. Attached you will find the Feb 2012 issue of Mandalay Gazette Burmese Newspaper.
Dr. Zaw Htun (Phillip Kaw)
Feel free to forward this to any of your friends and family members.
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For Your Information for the Benefit of Myanmar.
Please see below for links to relevant US lawmakers' websites for a letter-writing campaign to encourage them to lift sanctions on Myanmar.
For Senator Mitch McConnell
He is a key person to influence if we want to see sanctions lifted.
For Senator John McCain
For Senator John Kerry
For Representative Joseph Crowley
Reply for Dentist Zaw Tun,
i am really really surprise that a guy like him
trying to support thein sein regime and supporting to lift
sanction for Burma.
let me tell you about this guy a little bit,
dentist zaw tun is the publisher of Mandalay Gazette
community news paper in Los Angeles.
His clinic is "East West Dental Center" which is
Garvey ave, MOnterey Park , CA.
He is a rich chinese guy.
he used to fund and organize community gathering in
Los Angeles and southern california.
They have a association called southern california
Burmese chinese association.
i am not attacking personally but i am very surprise and
dissappointed about these Burma born chinese are helping
military regimes. That is totally unacceptable.
in my opinion,chinese in Burma like regimes because they
do not distrupt their business and chinese just want making
money and do not want to involve in politics.
Now,time is very critical in Burma because of the total influence
of china and local chinese are very glad that china(mainland) have
big influence power on military regime.
That's why they want to support to lift American sanctions.
In reality, Burmese people are very very poor for long time,
it is not because of American sanctions,it is absolute wrong doing of
military dictatorship.People are suffering a lot.
If American lift their sanction on Burma,
it will be huge beneficial for those "cronies" and wealthy chinese people.
It will not make big impact on oridinary or poor BUrmese people for sure.
than shwe and his followers or cronies have stolen billions of money but
they cannot use all of those because of sanctions their money has been frozen out
buy US and EU sanctions.
Actually, that money are poeple of Burma not theirs.
I will write to these senator not to lift sanction on Burma.
I would like to tell those chinese,"if you do not want to help,it's ok but DO NOT DISTURB."
if you support military regime,
you will have big regret and your future will be very bad for you all.
ဒီလူေတြကို ၿမန္မာၿပည္သူေတြကေရာ ေထာက္ခံၾကလိမ္႕မယ္လို႕ စဥ္းေတာင္ မစဥ္းစားမိပါဘူး
တရုတ္ေတြရဲ႕ ရာဇ၀င္ကိုၿပန္ဆန္းစစ္ၾကည္႕ၾကပါဦး..
တစ္ၿခားနိုင္ငံမွာေမြးဖြားခဲ႕တဲ႕ တရုတ္လူမ်ိဳးေတြကို
တရုတ္ၿပည္ကေတာင္ Chinese Citizens အၿဖစ္
New York တရုတ္ေတြကေတာ႕ သံရုံးနဲ႕ေပါင္းၿပီး
ဓါတ္႔ပံုထဲက အဲဒီ ကိုယ္က်ိဳးရွာ အေျခာင္သမားေတြရဲ နံမည္ေတြ သိရင္ ေဖာ္ျပေပးပါဦး။
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