Posted By Min Zin
Friday, June 1, 2012 - 4:41 PM

Last week, Suu Kyi's staff turned down a request for a meeting from Paul Collier, one of the world's top economists. Their excuse: The Lady was busy. "Perhaps her staffers don't know who Collier is," one source in the opposition told me. "The Burmese opposition movement has missed the chance to benefit from a great mind." Meanwhile, government newspapers covered have reported that ministers and presidential advisors gave Collier plenty of time.
Prominent experts from the Burmese exile community, many of them with valuable experience acquired in their years abroad, say that the NLD is ignoring them even while the government is actively soliciting their services. "There is no proper mechanism set up by Suu Kyi for Burmese researchers to play a contributing role to the opposition movement," says a Burmese scholar who graduated from a top U.S. university and visited Rangoon a few months ago.
The NLD is also having problems with reporters. Lately there have been increasing tensions between the NLD and local journalists. In early May, a member of Suu Kyi's security staff manhandled a local photojournalist who tried to take pictures of the Lady. Local reporters say that the bodyguards abused them, saying: "You media people are doing this for money. We don't make a f---ing penny. We face jail time because we're doing politics."
Many NLD members suffered under the previous regime. But Suu Kyi, who holds to a rigorous moral code, rightly tends to dismiss those who bring this up. She once famously said: "If you choose to do something, then you shouldn't say it's a sacrifice, because nobody forced you to do it." Moreover, since many journalists (and activists-turned-journalists) were also imprisoned by the military regime for their political and professional work, the self-righteousness and arrogance of the NLD members are likely to backfire.
Local reporters have complained in the past few weeks that the NLD no longer issues open invitations to the media to cover important political events, such as Suu Kyi's recent meeting with India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Maung Wuntha, a well-respected veteran journalist and a former leading member of the NLD in 1988, told me that the NLD staffers who are close to Suu Kyi need to learn how to work in a more media-friendly manner: "Many of them tend to see journalists as careerists who do not have any principles and commitment to the interests of the country. This perception is a serious problem. Unless they realize that journalists are doing a public service, we aren't going to see any fundamental improvement in relations between politicians and reporters."
Another public criticism of Suu Kyi and her staff has come from an unexpected source: staunch NLD supporters outside of Burma. Eight major Burmese exile organizations -- including such dedicated and well-connected groups such as the Network for Democracy and Development, the Women's League of Burma, and the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma in Thailand - asked for some face time with Aung San Suu Kyi during her visit in Bangkok, but to no avail. For perhaps the first time since 1988, many prominent exiled activists came together to express their frustration in the Burmese-language media. "We feel sad," said Khin Ohmar, NDD chairwoman, told The Irrawaddy, a leading Burmese-language magazine. "We have worked tirelessly for our country since 1988. We can't go home, so while our leader's visiting us here, we all would like to meet her and exchange views and experiences."
You can find signs of frustration not only on the Thai-Burmese border, but also in the capitals of the United States and Europe. Several lobbyists who relentlessly advocated on behalf of Suu Kyi and her "principle-centered policy" of economic sanctions for decades are now disoriented by the Lady's apparent lack of coordination and inability to delegate. A dedicated Suu Kyi advocate told me he's been trying to get in touch with the NLD's information department for months to arrange a conversation between Suu Kyi and the president of a newly democratizing Asian country, but his correspondence has gone unanswered.
Of course, it's not fair to blame Suu Kyi for all these problems, given that the party's organization is still weak. Most party activists (including herself) have spent long periods in detention - perhaps the most important among many legitimate excuses for the problem. By now, though, it's high time for Aung San Suu Kyi and her party to step back, practice self-criticism, and think aloud about whether they have burned too many bridges too quickly in this transitional phase. Perhaps what Suu Kyi needs is not just an entourage, but a full-blown chief of staff with a proper team that is capable of strategic planning and management and can support her in the decision-making process. Moral courage and clarity are hugely important in politics, but you also need the capacity to cultivate your base and craft sound policies if you really want to get things done.
i don't believe exile organization.
Be positive on what NLD done. Like as newspaper is part of making people life difficulties. For the fled ousted political organization, they are in thailand for more than 2 decades. They are happily enjoying supports from UN and so on. Now Our Mother Daw Aung San Suu Kyi doesn't accept of seeing them. They raised as the big issue. During their time, they can't resolve the labour/ migrants matter by their own way. That is why our mother has to step in and solving the problem instead of seeing them. Please be very optimistic on what we have to do and achieve for the country.
<"Perhaps her staffers don't know who Collier is," one source in the opposition told me...>
Who is Collier?
blog owner, why do u want post such article? She knows well what to do.
Good points. The lady is also visiting Norway on June 15 to accept her Nobel Peace Prize. Various ethnic organizations in Norway have been planing for this since last month. We have organized a team with members from different ethnic groups in Norway and conducted many Skype meetings for this historic trip. But to our dismal, we have been told that we will not be given much time to talk face to face with the Lady. We requested the Norwegian Government to give us time with the Lady to exchange our views on Burma. So far, the answer is vague and the responses from the Norwegian Government are discouraging our spirit for the trip.
For me, there is no point in travelling to Oslo just to get a view of the Lady if we weren't allowed to talk directly with Daw Suu.
Hey....fucking Burmese scholars and prominent experts in Burmese exile community don't blame NLD and Aung San Suu Kyi. Why NLD has to call you to come back to Burma. If you fucking experts have courage, knowledge and sacrificial spirit, why don't you go back to Burma. Why NLD has to ask you to come back to Burma? You fucking prominent experts are opportunists. If you guys really want high positions in the Government, why don't you guys join with Thein Sein. Thein Sein is asking you fucking experts to come back. What are you waiting for? If you think Burmese people and Burma needs you, go back now. Don't wait someone to ask you to come back.
Hey....fucking Burmese scholars and prominent experts in Burmese exile community don't blame NLD and Aung San Suu Kyi. Why NLD has to call you to come back to Burma. If you fucking experts have courage, knowledge and sacrificial spirit, why don't you go back to Burma. Why NLD has to ask you to come back to Burma? You fucking prominent experts are opportunists. If you guys really want high positions in the Government, why don't you guys join with Thein Sein. Thein Sein is asking you fucking experts to come back. What are you waiting for? If you think Burmese people and Burma needs you, go back now. Don't wait someone to ask you to come back.
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