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Although there was now a chance to gang up with US and ditch Myanmar Military Government, Beijing would think twice not to do so, for the long term interest. If they now blamed Junta for everything that had gone wrong, this could backfire and bound to raise the question: Where were you? What were you doing? Colluding with Myanmar Junta? The same question applies to Russia as well. But the Russians seemed to make only some fun on US out of boring.
However, this would imply that there had been a better alternative ways to solve Myanmar issues which China and Russia, also US failed to grasp in the past. It would make them seem unfit to be trusted ‘friends of Myanmar people’ who have been paying heavy price for their (US, China and Russia) stubbornness in the past at the UN. If Beijing leaks some unfavorable information on the Junta, the Junta could retaliate to the same as well. So, it is best for all to regulate the relations between all negotiating parties.
For China, clearly it is out of self preservation instinct for the "well set" Chinese minority in Myanmar. In 1967, Burma Communist Party officers who were being trained in China were arranged to marry Chinese women before they were sent back to Myanmar accompanied by their new wives, to start the new communist offensive. Beijing was certain of BCP’s victory to take over Myanmar. Hence, if so, the Chinese wives of BCP commanders would become “queens” of Myanmar.
Thus China stuck with a simple story-line: that the ethnic Chinese minority had been wrecked by military regime. To deceive US, Beijing resorted to political smear tactics saying it suffered from ‘bandit style’ political backwardness of the Junta. Russia echoed China’s fresh prejudice attitude on Myanmar to show its annoyance to Junta that: “He(Russia) is also around the corner that Myanmar could turn to, not only US is there”.
The Moscow-Beijing double act would set to deceive many. In fact, in secret, Beijing’s friendliness towards America is only a tactic of expedience (as usual), to conceal its true intention from US that it has been “changing Myanmar into its auto-submissive province” since day one of Mao’s era. It was no secret that many US officials were decidedly unenthusiastic about military regime, and so Beijing acted to exploit this ambivalence in the hope that America would withhold support (if any) to be given to the Junta, and perhaps US take a friendlier line towards China to listen what Beijing has to suggest. China carefully fostered the delusion that today’s CCP was not a real communist party, but one of moderate reformers, who wanted to cooperate with the US.
Now, if Myanmar is quick enough to attract Russians before someone did while engaging directly with the US, this could impact the present situation between China-Myanmar-US negotiations.
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