Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Global Action For Burma (G.A.B) အမ်ိဳးသားလြတ္ေၿမာက္ေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈၾကီး လုပ္ေဆာင္ေနၾကၿပီ

ၿပည္တြင္း၊ ၿပည္ပ ရွိ တုိင္းရင္းသားအဖြဲ႔အစည္းမ်ား၊ ၿမန္မာ့ဒီမုိကေရစီအင္အားစုအဖြဲ႔အစည္းမ်ား ပါ၀င္ေသာ အဖြဲ႔ေပါင္း ၁၂၁ ဖြဲ႔ ၿဖင့္ ပူးေပါင္းဖြဲ႔စည္းထားသည့္ ဂ်ီေအဘီ အင္အားစုၾကီးက အမ်ိဳးသားလြတ္ေၿမာက္ေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈၾကီးကုိ တညီတညြတ္တည္း ဟန္ခ်က္ညီညီ လုပ္ေဆာင္ေနၾကၿပီ။

ဂ်ီေအဘီ အင္အားစု လႈပ္ရွားမႈ အေသးစိတ္ကုိ ဤေနရာမွာ ၾကည့္ရွဳ႕ ႏုိင္သည္။

ကိုေက်ာ္သန္း -GAB - (ဒီမိုကေရစီလႈပ္ရွားမႈေခါင္းေဆာင္-အိႏိၵယ)  မိန္ ့ခြန္းေျပာေနစဥ္ ။
Global Action for Burma: International Month of Action
against the “Sham 2010 Election”

November 17, 2009

Global Action for Burma (GAB) is launching a global action month against the Burmese military regime’s sham 2010 election starting on November 17, 2009.

GAB fully supports Aung San Suu Kyi and her party the National League for Democracy (NLD)’s “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration. The Burmese military regime has so far totally ignored the NLD’s gesture. There are more arrests of political activists and restrictions of freedom. Furthermore, the regime is forcing ethnic cease-fire groups to agree to a “Border Guard” proposal in order to cement the military’s hold on power. The 2010 election, a step in the regime’s 7 steps road map ignores ethnic rights and violates the basic freedom of Burmese people.

We would like to highlight some important reasons why we reject the 2010 election in its current form. The 1990 election result has yet to be honoured. Aung San Suu Kyi and thousands of political prisoners are still incarcerated in various prisons. The 2008 Constitution is designed to ignore ethnic rights and perpetuate military rule in Burma and the 2010 election is planned to legitimise military rule in Burma.

We would like to echo our position on what U Win Tin, Aung San Suu Kyi’s right-hand man said, “We will not be cowed or coerced into participating in a fatally flawed political process that robs the Burmese people of the freedom for which we struggle. We stand ready to engage, but we are more than willing to continue our struggle for the democratic values that so many have given their lives and their freedom to achieve.”

Our national hero General Aung San said that “Independence cannot be asked but fight for it.” If the junta does not react positively to the demands of our legitimate leaders, we are ready to move forward with our, “National Liberation Movement”, by means of people power through boycotts of totalitarian rule such as civil disobedience, noncooperation with authorities. We will fight until we have a government which represent the true will of Burmese people.

We call upon the international community to ask the Burmese military regime to respond positively to NLD’s “Shwe Gone Daing” declaration. The international community must not relax, rather keep enforcing the current sanctions until the regime takes concrete measures such as releasing all political prisoners unconditionally and allowing freedom of expression and assembly at minimum. The international community must also stand ready to deny the legitimacy of election result if regime fails to do so.

We ask you humbly to stand with Burmese people.

1 comment :

Mekka-Nik said...

thx for those clear words. its important that people understand about this election process and why so many groups and the burmese majority oppose to it. pls continue to give as much information as possible on the issue. my best wishes for your cause... paul