Sunday 4 October 2009

Three 'must' requirements......

Win Moe

SPDC might say, G8 asks for it, UN asks for it, the International community asks for it and the people want it. Now, here is the election that you all asking for. Well, the election is not the panacea for Burma’s problems. It is just a part of the solution of a long political process. Just remember, former BSPP regularly held elections and so does the North Korea. However, they don’t translate into a true democracy.

The international community will be closely monitoring how these upcoming 2010 elections are held. Three important criteria must be met.

  • (1) Unconditional release of all political prisoners (which SPDC has partly done so)
  • (2) Establishing of Free and Responsible media and
  • (3) Freedom of political parties’ activities.

Democracy works best when its citizens are informed. Only free and responsible media can perform this job well. Without free and responsible media, an election doesn’t have any democratic meanings. People could voice the opinions and inputs through this medium.

Currently, there is none whatsoever. Therefore, it is SPDC’s responsibility to create conditions to establish free and responsible media. What will happen to current SPDC’s mouthpieces: Working People’s Daily, The Mirror, etc. and the State run Radio and Television? Will they become next government’s mouthpiece? It ought not to be.

Hence, if SPDC’s intention is to relinquish power after the election, these media should be privatized as soon as possible. Set up an independent commission with politically unbiased people and grant them power to lay down rules and regulations and privatized these media and issue new licenses not only for existing ones but new start ups as well.

Without freedom of political parties to conduct its political activities during election process, the election has no democratic meaning either. Therefore, the current regime (or if there is an election commission already exist) must implement necessary steps for these registered parties to start campaigning freely as soon as possible.

Lastly, as I said above, elections itself won’t immediately solve all the problems (political, social and economic) that Burma faces, whichever party comes to power. It could be a good start of the long process. Young democracy will face many road bumps. And people will surely face hardship and disappointments. There is a long road ahead. It is the responsibility of the media, the statesmen and the politicians to forewarn the people of difficulties ahead. Not surprisingly, there are already precedents of failed democracies of recent years.

Win Moe

221B Baker Street


Anonymous said...

၀င္းမိုးဒါဆို ၂၀၀၈ ဖြဲ ့စည္းပံုကိစၥက လက္ခံရမယ့္ကိစၥလား။

Anonymous said...

က်ေနာ္ ေဇာ္နိုင္ပါ
ဘိုၾကက္ခ်ီး ဝင္းမိုးက ဗမာလိုမတတ္ေတာ့ဘူး။
မိုးသီးက ဝင္းမိုးတို ့ဝမ္ခ်ိန္ေဝ့ေအာင္သူၿငိမ္းတို ့နဲ ့
ပါတ္သက္ရင္ စမူဆာမိုးသီးဇြန္ျဖစ္ေနတယ္။